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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧邶‧日月 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Ri Yue

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O sun; O moon,
Which enlighten this lower earth!
Here is the man,
Who treats me not according to the ancient rule.
How can he get his mind settled?
Would he then not regard me?


O sun; O moon,
Which overshadow this lower earth!
Here is this man,
Who will not be friendly with me.
How can he get his mind settled?
Would he then not respond to me?


O sun; O moon,
Which come forth from the east!
Here is the man,
With virtuous words, but really not good.
How can he get his mind settled?
Would he then allow me to be forgotten?


O sun; o moon,
From the east which come forth!
O father, O mother,
There is no sequel to your nourishing of me.
How can he get his mind settled?
Would he then respond to me, contrary to all reason?


English translation: James Legge

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