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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧衞‧芄蘭 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wei - Wan Lan

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There are the branches of the sparrow-gourd; -
There is that lad, with the spike at his girdle.
Though he carries a spike at his girdle,
He does not know us.
How easy and conceited is his manner,
With the ends of his girdle hanging down as they do!


There are the leaves of the sparrow-gourd; -
There is that lad with the archer's thimble at his girdle.
Though he carries an archer's thimble at his girdle,
He is not superior to us.
How easy and conceited is his manner,
With the ends of his girdle hanging down as they do!



English translation: James Legge

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