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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧鄭‧將仲子 Lessons from the states - Odes of Zheng - Jiang Zhong Zi

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I pray you, Mr. Zhong,
Do not come leaping into my hamlet;
Do not break my willow trees.
Do I care for them?
But I fear my parents.
You, O Zhong, are to be loved,
But the words of my parents,
Are also to be feared.


I pray you, Mr. Zhong,
Do not come leaping over my wall;
Do not break my mulberry trees.
Do I care for them?
But I fear the words of my brothers.
You, O Zhong, are to be loved,
But the words of my brothers,
Are also to be feared.


I pray you, Mr. Zhong,
Do not come leaping into my garden;
Do not break my sandal trees.
Do I care for them?
But I dread the talk of people.
You, O Zhong, are to be loved,
But the talk of people,
Is also to be feared.



English translation: James Legge

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