The Book of Songs 詩經
國風‧鄭‧溱洧 Lessons from the states - Odes of Zheng - Zhen Wei
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The Zhen and Wei,
Now present their broad sheets of water.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Are carrying flowers of valerian.
A lady says, ' Have you been to see? '
A gentleman replies, ' I have been. '
' But let us go again to see.
Beyond the Wei,
The ground is large and fit for pleasure. '
So the gentlemen and ladies.
Make sport together,
Presenting one another with small peonies.
The Zhen and Wei,
Show their deep, clear streams.
Gentlemen and ladies,
Appear in crowds.
A lady says, ' Have you been to see? '
A gentleman replies, ' I have been. '
' But let us go again to see.
Beyond the Wei,
The ground is large and fit for pleasure. '
So the gentlemen and ladies.
Make sport together,
Presenting one another with small peonies.
English translation: James Legge
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