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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧陳‧澤陂 Lessons from the states - Odes of Chen - Ze Po

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By the shores of that marsh,
There are rushes and lotus plants.
There is the beautiful lady; -
I am tortured for her, but what avails it?
Waking or sleeping, I do nothing;
From my eyes and nose the water streams.


By the shores of that marsh,
There are rushes and the valerian.
There is the beautiful lady;
Tall and large, and elegant.
Waking or sleeping, I do nothing;
My inmost heart is full of grief.


By the shores of that marsh,
There are rushes and lotus flowers.
There is the beautiful lady;
Tall and large, and majestic.
Waking or sleeping, I do nothing;
On my side, on my back, with my face on the pillow, I lie.


English translation: James Legge

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