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The Book of Songs 詩經

小雅‧魚藻之什‧瓠葉 Minor odes of the kingdom - Yu Zao Zhi Shen - Hu Ye

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Of the gourd leaves, waving about,
Some are taken and boiled;
[Then] the superior man, from his spirits,
Pours out a cup, and tastes it.


There is but a single rabbit,
Baked, or roasted.
[But] the superior man, from his spirits,
Fills the cup and presents it [to his guests].


There is but a single rabbit,
Roasted, or broiled.
[But] from the spirits of the superior man,
[His guests] fill the cup, and present it to him.


There is but a single rabbit,
Roasted, or baked.
[But] from the spirits of the superior man,
[His guests and he] fill the cup and pledge one another.



English translation: James Legge

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