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周口店北京人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (1987)
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Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian
Scientific work at the site, which lies 42 km south-west of Beijing, is still underway.
到目前为止,科学家已经发现了中国猿人属北京人的遗迹,他们大约生活在中更新世时代,同时发现的还有各种各样的生活物品,以及可以追溯到公元前18 000至11 000年的新人类的遗迹。
So far, it has led to the discovery of the remains of Sinanthropus pekinensis, who lived in the Middle Pleistocene, along with various objects, and remains of Homo sapiens sapiens dating as far back as 18,000–11,000 B.C.
The site is not only an exceptional reminder of the prehistorical human societies of the Asian continent, but also illustrates the process of evolution.
Source: UNESCO 1987, accessed 2016-12-17,
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