Move the tip to the right
Turn the brush moving down and left
Move back and stop An upper dot (上点 or 斜点) is used in the characters 主, 文, 之, 夜, 空, and 度.
主 Zhu
文 We
左下点 Lower Left Dot
Start the stroke with a hidden tipMove the tip to the left
Moving the brush down and left
Move back in a transition
Move the brush out and up off the paper
This stroke is used in the character 然.
右下点 Lower Right Dot
Start the stroke with a hidden tipMove the tip to the right
Continue down and right
Move down and around
Return back and stop
This stroke is used in the characters 下, 示, and 原.
短横 Short Horizontal Stroke
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving right
Move the brush to the right
Turn the tip down
Move back and stop
This stroke is used in the characters 主, 二, 日, 在, 至, 石, and 换.
主 Zhu
二 Er
日 Ri
长横 Long Horizontal Stroke
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving right
Move the brush to the right
Turn the tip down
Move back and stop
This stroke is used in the characters 下, 二, 王, 长, 事, 童, 青, and 子.
下 Xia
二 Er
王 Wang
直竖 Straight Vertical
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Firm downward movement
Turn the tip right
Move back and stop
This stroke is used in the characters 下, 将, 第, 处, and 半.
左弧竖 Left Vertical
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Use a left facing arc shaped downward movement
Turn the tip right
Move back and stop
This stroke is used in the characters 日, 柜, 问, 同, and 得.
日 Ri
行 Xing
右弧竖 Right Vertical
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Use a right facing arc shaped downward movement
Turn the tip back and up
Lightly lift the brush and stop
This stroke is used in the characters 肃 and 引.
悬针 Hanging Vertical
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Turn back to thicken the middle of the stroke
Continue moving the brush down
Move the brush straight down and off the page
This stroke is used in the characters 牛, 中, and 千.
牛 Niu
十 Shi
早 Zao
竖钩 Vertical Hooked
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Continue moving the brush down forming a curved edge on the right side
Move the brush down and around
Bring the tip around and off the paper forming a definite hook
This stroke is used in the characters 于, 行, 到, 东, and 打.
于 Yu
行 Xing
狐钩 Hooked Arc
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Move the brush along an arc
Bring the tip back and up
Bring the tip around and off the paper forming a definite hook
This stroke is used in the characters 武, 我, 载, and 戏.
折钩 Turning Hook
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Move the right forming an arc
Bring the tip back
Lift the brush to form an upward facing hook
This stroke is used in the characters 化, 光, and 也.
横钩 Horizontal Hooked
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving right
Lift the brush and then press down again
Bring the tip back
Press, turn, and then flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 虎, 爱, and 军.
挑法 Upward Flick
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Bring the tip back
Press down again
Press, turn, and then flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 海, 泊, and 冰.
短撇 Short Downwards Left Curved
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Bring the tip back
Keep moving down and left
Flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 牛, 父, 足 and and 但.
牛 Niu
父 Fu
入 Ru
啄 Left Curved
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the brush moving down
Turn and press the brush down
Lift the brush up off the paper a little
Flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 乎, 手, 和, and 香.
长撇 Long Downwards Left Curved
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the tip moving down
Continue moving the brush down
Change the direction a little to the left
Flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 人, 户, 拜, 厂, and 左.
人 Ren
父 Fu
拜 Bai
捺 Downwards Right Concave Stroke
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the tip moving right
Continue moving the brush right and down
Bring the brush back and up
Turn the brush again and flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 人, 八, 父, 春, 全, and 交.
人 Ren
文 Wen
父 Fu
平捺 Flat Right Concave Stroke
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the tip moving right
Continue moving the brush right
Turn the tip back
Turn the brush right again and flick up and off the paper
This stroke is used in the characters 之, 道, 这, and 是.
右厥 Right Combined Horizontal and Vertical Hook Stroke
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the tip moving right
Move down for the horizontal stroke
Move around and back up
Form a definite left facing hook
This stroke is used in the characters 四, 册, 内, 高, 有, and 国.
四 Si
冊 Ce
内 Nei
左厥 Left Combined Horizontal and Vertical Hook Stroke
Start the stroke with a hidden tipTurn the tip moving down
At the corner lighten pressure on the brush, turn, and then increase pressure again
Reduce pressure again and then move right
At the end of the horizontal stroke turn around to and down.
Turn the tip back.
This stroke is used in the character 喝 and 函.
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