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Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰

Pottery 陶器 Xiajiadian Culture 夏家店文化

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Xiajiadian Culture 夏家店文化

The pottery utensils below, from the Lower Xiajiadian Culture 夏家店下层文化 in Inner Mongolia was produced at the same time as the Bronze Age in parts of China and show definite similarity with geometric patterns in Xia and Shang Dynasty bronze ware.

painted pottery
彩绘陶器 夏家店下层文化公元前2000〜1500内蒙古自治区敖汉旗大甸子出土 首都博物馆 Painted Pottery Utensil Lower Xiajiadian Culture (c. 2,000—1,500 BCE) Excavated from Dadianzi, Aohanqi, Inner Mongolia. Capital Museum, Beijing

These two artifacts from the Xiajiadian Culture complete the transition from geometric designs used in the earliest Neolithic pottery to the designs used in Bronze Age bronze ware.

painted pottery
彩绘 夏家店下层文化公元前2000〜1500内蒙古自治区敖汉旗大甸子出土 首都博物馆 Painted Pottery Li Lower Xiajiadian Culture (c. 2,000—1,500 BCE) Excavated from Dadianzi, Aohanqi, Inner Mongolia. Capital Museum, Beijing

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