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Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰

Wood 木料 Buddhist 佛教

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Buddhist 佛教

Buddhist temples are filled with decorative designs, both on the architectural structures and on wooden artifacts inside the halls. If these artifacts are used in ceremonies they are usually referred to as Dharma instruments . The Dharma Wheel from the Sanskrit word Dharmacakra represents the teachings of the Buddha. There are usually eight spokes representing the Noble Eightfold Path 正道.

Dharma Wheel
普陀山大乘禅寺 Dharma Wheel Dacheng Temple, Mount Putuo

A Reclining Buddha , as shown below, symbolizes the Buddha entering Nirvana .

Reclining Buddha
马来西亚 Reclining Buddha Malaysia

A wooden fish is a percussion instrument used in Buddhism. A fish, with eyes always open, symbolizes wakefulness. The wooden fish outside the food hall at Fayu Temple, Mount Putuo, shown below, is the largest one that I ever seen. This type of wooden fish is struck to let people know that it is dinner time.

Wooden fish
普陀山法雨 Wooden fish Fayuy Temple, Mount Putuo

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