阶除 (階除) jiēchú
courtyard steps
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '階除'; Mathews 1931 '階除', p. 84)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷十一 Scroll 11 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 2
- 卷三十 Scroll 30 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 1
- 卷之二 詩 Scroll 2: Lyric Poetry Tao Yuanming Collected Poems 陶淵明集 — count: 1
- 卷二 魏書二 文帝紀 Volume 2: Book of Wei 2 - Annals of Emperor Wen Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 1
- 卷二十四 Scroll 24 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 1