沧海桑田 (滄海桑田) cāng hǎi sāng tián
cāng hǎi sāng tián
set phrase
time brings great changes; life's vicissitudes
Domain: Idiom 成语
Notes: Literally, blue seas where once was mulberry fields
- 悟沧海桑田 (悟滄海桑田) 不悟滄溟未運 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷四十七 列傳第二十八 王融 謝朓 Volume 47 Biographies 28: Wang Rong, Xie Tiao — count: 3
- 沧海桑田未 (滄海桑田未) 不悟滄溟未運 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷四十七 列傳第二十八 王融 謝朓 Volume 47 Biographies 28: Wang Rong, Xie Tiao — count: 3