全球 quánqiú
entire globe; global; worldwide
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Geography
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '全球'; Guoyu '全球')
Contained in
- 全球气候升温(全球氣候升溫) global warming
- 全球性 global
- 全球定位系统(全球定位系統) global positioning system (GPS)
- 殖民全球 global colonization
- 全球卫星导航系统(全球衛星導航系統) Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS
- 全球气候变暖(全球氣候變暖) global warming
- 全球发展中心(全球發展中心) Center for Global Development (an environmental think tank)
- 全球位置测定系统(全球位置測定系統) GPS (Global Positioning System)
- 全球化 globalization
- 全球气候(全球氣候) global climate
- 全球变暖(全球變暖) global warming (PRC usage) / written 全球暖化 in Taiwan
- 全球暖化 global warming
- 全球通 Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment b (2015-11-28) Media articles — count: 4
- 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment a (2015-11-28) Media articles — count: 2
- 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment c (2015-11-28) Media articles — count: 1
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment d (2016-01-22) Media articles — count: 1
- 熊猫电站或生蝴蝶效应 带动全球绿色行动洪流 Panda Power Station or Production of the Butterfly Effect: A Massive Impetus for the Global Green Movement (2017) Media articles — count: 1
- 文学 Literature - Fragment b (2016-02-04) Media articles — count: 1
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment a (2016-01-22) Media articles — count: 1
- 全球气象 (全球氣象) 可以获得全球气象资料 — Media articles, 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment b (2015-11-28) — count: 2