癌 ái
cancer; carcinoma
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Medicine
Notes: (Sun 2006, loc. 1530; Unihan '癌')
Contained in
- 子宫颈癌(子宮頸癌) cervical cancer
- 乳腺癌 breast cancer
- 鳞状细胞癌(鱗狀細胞癌) squamous cell carcinoma
- 肺癌 lung cancer
- 癌变(癌變) to become cancerous; transformation to malignancy (of body cells)
- 食道癌 esophageal cancer
- 肝癌 liver cancer
- 癌细胞(癌細胞) cancer cell
- 基底细胞癌(基底細胞癌) basal cell carcinoma
- 淋巴癌 lymphoma
- 血癌 leukemia
- 胃癌 stomach cancer
- 癌症(癌癥) cancer
- 抗癌 anti-cancer
- 皮肤癌(皮膚癌) skin cancer
- 腺癌 Adenocarcinoma
- 乳癌 breast cancer
- 癌友 cancer patient; cancer survivor
- 终期癌(終期癌) terminal cancer
- 鼻咽癌 cancers of the nose and throat; nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)
- 癌病 cancer
- 晚期癌症 terminal cancer
- 致癌物质(致癌物質) carcinogen; cancer causing substance
- 致癌物 carcinogen
- 壁癌 persistent mold on the wall; efflorescence
- 直男癌 male chauvinism
- 致癌 carcinogenic; to cause cancer