密西根州 Mìxīgēn zhōu
Mìxīgēn zhōu
proper noun
State of Michigan
Domain: Places 地方
, Subdomain: United States
, Concept: State 州
Notes: A US state (Wikipedia '密歇根州')
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment a (2016-01-18) Media articles — count: 2
- 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment c (2016-01-18) Media articles — count: 2
- 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment b (2016-01-18) Media articles — count: 2
- 宣布密西根州 (宣布密西根州) 奥巴马宣布密西根州用水紧急状态 — Media articles, 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment a (2016-01-18) — count: 3
- 密西根州用水 (密西根州用水) 奥巴马宣布密西根州用水紧急状态 — Media articles, 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment a (2016-01-18) — count: 3