田家子 tián jiāzǐ
tián jiāzǐ
a rural family
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '田家子')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷九 魏書十 荀彧荀攸賈詡傳 Volume 9: Book of Wei 9 - Biographies of the Xiahous and Caos Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 1
- 卷四十五 雜傳第三十三: 張全義 朱友謙 袁象先 朱漢賓 段凝 劉玘 周知裕 陸思鐸 Volume 45 Miscellaneous Biographies 25: Zhang quanyi, Zhu Youqian, Yuan Xiangxian, Zhu Hanbin, Duan Ning, Liu Qi, Zhou Zhiyu, Lu Siduo New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史 — count: 1