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红色清真寺 The Red Mosque - Fragment a (2007-7-5)

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The Red Mosque (Fragment)

Source: 2007-7-5
Transcription of a part of a Voice of America Broadcast Play audio (4.67 MB)





[President Bush] We must succeed for our own sake. For the security of our citizens we must support our troops. We must support the Iraqi ...


The Voice of America will now continue its Mandarin program. Welcome to this hour of Voice of America. The content of the broadcast is Current Affairs Main Points and Editorial. First, please listen to Current Affairs Main Points.

Good morning everyone. Welcome to Voice of America's July 5 Current Affairs Main Points program. This is Ye Ban.

The United States celebrated Independence Day. During a speech President Bush resolutely expressed that in the Iraq War we must achieve victory.

[President Bush] We must succeed for our own sake. For the security of our citizens we must support our troops. We must support the Iraqi ...


Source: Voice of America 美国之音. Text not subject to copyright as a work of the US federal government.

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