Media articles
- 文学 Literature - Fragment a (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment b (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment c (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment d (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment e (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment f (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment g (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment h (2016-02-04)
- 文学 Literature - Fragment i (2016-02-04)
- 猴年 Year of the Monkey - Fragment a (2016-01-30)
- 猴年 Year of the Monkey - Fragment b (2016-01-30)
- 猴年 Year of the Monkey - Fragment c (2016-01-30)
- 猴年 Year of the Monkey - Fragment d (2016-01-30)
- 猴年 Year of the Monkey - Fragment e (2016-01-30)
- 狮子会上树 Lions can climb trees - Fragment a (2015-11-02)
- 狮子会上树 Lions can climb trees - Fragment b (2015-11-02)
- 狮子会上树 Lions can climb trees - Fragment c (2015-11-02)
- 中国美术馆 China National Art Gallery - Fragment a (2015-12-25)
- 中国美术馆 China National Art Gallery - Fragment b (2015-12-25)
- 中国美术馆 China National Art Gallery - Fragment c (2015-12-25)
- 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment a (2015-11-28)
- 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment b (2015-11-28)
- 气象卫星 Weather satellites - Fragment c (2015-11-28)
- 老歌新唱 A new way of singing an old song - Fragment a (2016-01-26)
- 老歌新唱 A new way of singing an old song - Fragment b (2016-01-26)
- 春晚 Spring Festival Gala a (2016-01-25)
- 春晚 Spring Festival Gala b (2016-01-25)
- 春晚 Spring Festival Gala c (2016-01-25)
- 春晚 Spring Festival Gala d (2016-01-25)
- 暴风雪 Snowstorm - Fragment a (2016-01-24)
- 暴风雪 Snowstorm - Fragment b (2016-01-24)
- 暴风雪 Snowstorm - Fragment c (2016-01-24)
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment a (2016-01-22)
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment b (2016-01-22)
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment c (2016-01-22)
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment d (2016-01-22)
- 转基因食品 Genetically modified foods - Fragment e (2016-01-22)
- 克里会晤俄外长 Kerry meets Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs (2016-01-20)
- 奥巴马移民行政令一案 First case for Obama administration immigration law - Fragment a (2016-01-19)
- 奥巴马移民行政令一案 First case for Obama administration immigration law - Fragment b (2016-01-19)
- 美国民主党辩论会 United States Democratic Party debate - Fragment a (2016-01-18)
- 美国民主党辩论会 United States Democratic Party debate - Fragment b (2016-01-18)
- 美国民主党辩论会 United States Democratic Party debate - Fragment c (2016-01-18)
- 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment a (2016-01-18)
- 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment b (2016-01-18)
- 密西根州用水紧急状态 Michigan water use state of emergency - Fragment c (2016-01-18)
- 减压有术 The art of stress reduction - Fragment a (2016-01-16)
- 减压有术 The art of stress reduction - Fragment b (2016-01-16)
- 减压有术 The art of stress reduction - Fragment c (2016-01-16)
- 朝鲜导弹试验 North Korean Missile Test - Fragment a (2016-01-09a)
- 朝鲜导弹试验 North Korean Missile Test - Fragment b (2016-01-09a)
- 白宫会晤高科技公司 White House meets high tech companies - Fragment a (2016-01-09)
- 白宫会晤高科技公司 White House meets high tech companies- Fragment b (2016-01-09)
- 白宫会晤高科技公司 White House meets high tech companies- Fragment c (2016-01-09)
- 英雄犬 Hero dog - Fragment a (2015-12-29)
- 英雄犬 Hero dog - Fragment b (2015-12-29)
- 英雄犬 Hero dog - Fragment c (2015-12-29)
- 发射并回收猎鹰9号火箭 Launching and recycling the Falcon 9 rocket - Fragment a (2015-12-23)
- 发射并回收猎鹰9号火箭 Launching and recycling the Falcon 9 rocket - Fragment b (2015-12-23)
- 新疟疾疫苗 New malaria vaccine - Fragment a (2015-07-25)
- 新疟疾疫苗 New malaria vaccine - Fragment b (2015-07-25)
- 新疟疾疫苗 New malaria vaccine - Fragment c (2015-07-25)
- Selections from News Articles 2015
- 红色清真寺 The Red Mosque - Fragment a (2007-7-5)
- 红色清真寺 The Red Mosque - Fragment b (2007-7-5)
- 红色清真寺 The Red Mosque - Fragment c (2007-7-5)
- 美国避免联邦政府关门 US Federal Government Avoids Closing Down - Fragment (2016-12-09)
- 伊斯坦布尔爆炸造成近200人伤亡 Nearly 200 people die in an explosion in Istanbul - Fragement (2016-12-11)
- 诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式 Nobel Prize ceremony - Fragment (2016-12-11)
- 航天技术助力智能制造转型升级 Aerospace Technology uses Intelligent Manufacturing to Transform and Upgrade - Fragment (2016-12-11)
- 庐山国家公园 Lushan National Park (1996)
- 明清故宫(北京故宫、沈阳故宫) Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang (1987)
- 秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (1987)
- 莫高窟 Mogao Caves (1987)
- 泰山 Mount Taishan (1987)
- 周口店北京人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (1987)
- 长城 The Great Wall (1987)
- 黄山 Mount Huangshan (1990)
- 黄龙风景名胜区 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area (1992)
- 丈夫有外遇?你可以找个“小三劝退师” China’s Cheating Husbands Fuel an Industry of ‘Mistress Dispellers’ (2016)
- 熊猫电站或生蝴蝶效应 带动全球绿色行动洪流 Panda Power Station or Production of the Butterfly Effect: A Massive Impetus for the Global Green Movement (2017)
- 习近平同津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦会谈 Xin Jinping Meets President of Zimbabwe Mnangagwa
- 发展转向高质量 A Change in Direction towards High Quality