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红色清真寺 The Red Mosque - Fragment b (2007-7-5)

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The Red Mosque (Fragment)

Source: 2007-7-5
Transcription of a part of a Voice of America Broadcast Play audio (4.67 MB)







[Azim] .. and we suspected there was somebody whose movements were not exactly women-like. So when we checked up he was trying to escape ...


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American super car company Chrysler decided to participate with Chinese manufacturers in the sales distribution network for the world market of cheap cars.

We will give a more detailed report of the content introduced above.

In a quiet mosque in Islamabad the confrontation between Pakistan troops and students entered the second night. There are still more than a thousand people hiding in the mosque. US based journalist Saunders in Islamabad reported that a clergy was dressed in women's clothing trying to flee when they were arrested by the police. After two and a half days of tense violent conflict on Wednesday night at the Red Mosque an unexpected change occurred. The Pakistan Information Technology and Telecommunications Terik Azim said that when the police arrested the clergy Aziz. At the time he was arrested he was obviously trying to slip out by hiding amongst a crowd of women.

[Azim] .. and we suspected there was somebody whose movements were not exactly women-like. So when we checked up he was trying to escape ...


Source: Voice of America 美国之音. Text not subject to copyright as a work of the US federal government.

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