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Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰

Jade 玉 Han to Song 汉至宋

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Bi were used in sacrificial ceremonies. In the Neolithic bi were undecorated but later on decorations were added. Also, after the Neolithic bi symbolized heaven.

bi (jade disc)
鸟纹 西汉公元前206〜公元8上海博物馆 Bi (jade disc) with bird design Western Han (206 BCE — 8 CE), Shanghai Museum

Beginning in the Tang the quantity and diversity of jade artifacts increased and the goods were exported in large quantities. Before this jade items were limited to a few kinds, including cups, ornaments, and hair pins.

Ornament with crane and cloud design
纹饰 公元960〜1279上海博物馆 Ornament with crane and cloud design Song (906—1279), Shanghai Museum

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