The Book of Songs 詩經
國風‧邶‧柏舟 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Bo Zhou
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毛詩序:「《柏舟》,言仁而不遇也。衞頃公之時,仁人不遇,小人在側。」汎彼柏舟,亦汎其流。耿耿不寐,如有隱憂。 微我無酒,以敖以遊。
It floats about, that boat of cypress wood;
Yea, it floats about on the current.
Disturbed am I and sleepless,
As if suffering from a painful wound.
It is not because I have no wine,
And that I might not wander and saunder about.
我心匪鑒,不可以茹。 亦有兄弟,不可以據。薄言往愬,逢彼之怒。
My mind is not a mirror; -
It cannot [equally] receive [all impressions].
I, indeed, have brothers,
But I cannot depend on them,
I meet with their anger.
我心匪石,不可轉也。我心匪席,不可卷也。 威儀棣棣,不可選也。
My mind is not a stone; -
It cannot be rolled about.
My mind is not a mat; -
It cannot be rolled up.
My deportment has been dignified and good,
With nothing wrong which can be pointed out.
憂心悄悄,慍于群小。 覯閔既多,受侮不少。靜言思之,寤辟有摽。
My anxious heart is full of trouble;
I am hated by the herd of mean creatures;
I meet with many distresses;
I receive insults not a few.
Silently I think of my case,
And, starting as from sleep, I beat my breast.
日居月諸,胡迭而微?心之憂矣,如匪澣衣。 靜言思之,不能奮飛!
There are the sun and moon, -
How is it that the former has become small, and not the latter?
The sorrow cleaves to my heart,
Like an unwashed dress.
Silently I think of my case,
But I cannot spread my wings and fly away.
< 詩經‧國風‧鄘‧柏舟
English translation: James Legge
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