The Book of Songs 詩經
國風‧邶‧匏有苦葉 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Pao You Ku Ye
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The gourd has [still] its bitter leaves,
And the crossing at the ford is deep.
If deep, I will go through with my clothes on;
If shallow, I will do so, holding them up.
The ford is full to overflowing;
There is the note of the female pheasant.
The full ford will not wet the axle of my carriage;
It is the pheasant calling for her mate.
The wild goose, with its harmonious notes,
At sunrise, with the earliest dawn,
By the gentleman, who wishes to bring home his bride,
[Is presented] before the ice is melted.
The boatman keeps beckoning;
And others cross with him, but I do not.
Others cross with him, but I do not; -
I am waiting for my friend.
English translation: James Legge
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