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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧邶‧北門 Lessons from the states - Odes of Bei - Bei Men

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I go out at the north gate,
With my heart full of sorrow.
Straitened am I and poor,
And no one takes knowledge of my distress.
So it is!
Heaven has done it; -
What then shall I say?


The king's business comes on me,
And the affairs of our government in increasing measure.
When I come home from abroad,
The members of my family all emulously reproach me.
So it is!
Heaven has done it; -
What then shall I say?


The king's business is thrown on me,
And the affairs of our government are left to me more and more.
When I come home from abroad,
The members of my family all emulously thrust at me.
So it is!
Heaven has done it; -
What then shall I say?


PD-icon.svg 作品全世界属于公有领域因为作者逝世已经超过100并且192311之前出版
English translation: James Legge

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