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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧魏‧陟岵 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wei - Ahi Hu

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I ascend that tree-clad hill,
And look towards [the residence of] my father.
My father is saying, ' Alas! my son, abroad on the public service,
Morning and night never rests.
May he be careful,
That he may come [back], and not remain there! '


I ascend that bare hill,
And look towards [the residence of] my mother.
My mother is saying, ' Alas! my child, abroad on the public service,
Morning and night has no sleep.
May he be careful,
That he may come [back], and not leave his body there! '


I ascend that ridge,
And look towards [the residence of] my elder brother.
My brother is saying, ' Alas! my younger brother, abroad on the public service,
Morning and night must consort with his comrades.
May he be careful,
That he may come back, and not die! '


English translation: James Legge

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