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Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰

Textiles 织物 Batik 蜡染花

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Batik 蜡染花

Batik 蜡染花 is a wax-resist dyeing technique that is popular in China and other Asian countries. It is an ancient technique that has been discovered in Egypt dating back to the 4th century BCE. In China, it is known to have been practiced as early as the Tang. In China today it is used by Miao 苗族, Bouyei 布依族, and Bai 白族 minorities for their traditional clothes.

Bouyi batik sleeve attachments
布依族蜡染花 贵州 上海博物馆 Bouyi batik sleeve attachments Zhenning, Guizhou. Shanghai Museum

The Bouyei 布依族 ethnic group numbers about 2.5 million and lives in southern mainland China and Vietnam, mostly in Guizhou province and also in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces Their language belongs to the Tai language family.

head-covering / kerchief / scarf / turban
白族扎染头巾 云南大理 上海博物馆 Bai batik headscarf Dali, Yunnan. Shanghai Museum

The Bai 白族 ethnic group number about 1.9 million and live mostly in Yunan but also in Guizhou and Hunan. The Bai language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family.

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