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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧衞‧考槃 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wei - Kao Pan

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He has reared his hut by the stream in the valley,
- That large man, so much at his ease.
Alone he sleeps, and wakes, and talks.
He swears he will never forgets [his true joy].


He has reared his hut in the bend of the mound,
- That large man, with such an air of indifference.
Alone he sleeps, and wakes, and sings.
He swears he will never pass from the spot.


He has reared his hut on the level height,
- That large man, so self-collected.
Alone, he sleeps and wakes, and sleeps again.
He swears he will never tell [of his delight].


English translation: James Legge

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