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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧魏‧園有桃 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wei - Yuan You Tao

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Of the peach trees in the garden,
The fruit may be used as food.
My heart is grieved,
And I play and sing.
Those who do not know me,
Say I am a scholar venting his pride.
'Those men are right;
What do you mean by your words?'
My heart is grieved;
Who knows [the cause of] it?
Who knows [the cause of] it?
[They know it not], because they will not think.


Of the jujube trees in the garden,
The fruit may be used as food.
My heart is grieved,
And I think I must travel about through the State.
Those who do not know me,
Say I am an officer going to the verge of license.
' Those men are right;
What do you mean by your words? '
My heart is grieved;
Who knows [the cause of] it?
Who knows [the cause of] it?
[They do not know it], because they will not think.


English translation: James Legge

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