晓悟 (曉悟) xiǎowù
to understand
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 了解 (Guoyu '曉悟')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷第六 力命篇 Chapter 6: Endeavor and Destiny Liezi 列子 — count: 1
- 卷45 列傳第37 儒林 Volume 45 Biographies 37: Confucian Scholars Book of Zhou 周書 — count: 1
- 卷八十二 列傳第七十: 儒林下 Volume 82 Biographies 70: Confucian Scholars 2 History of the Northern Dynasties 北史 — count: 1
- 不能晓悟 (不能曉悟) 不能曉悟 — Book of Zhou 周書, 卷45 列傳第37 儒林 Volume 45 Biographies 37: Confucian Scholars — count: 2