紫砂 zǐshā
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Art cicada_clay_qing400.jpg

Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Pottery 陶器 Later Period 晚期 Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰 — count: 2
- 第四十二回 Chapter 42 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 1
- Table of Decorative Designs 纹饰表 Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰 — count: 1
- 紫砂桂枝 (紫砂桂枝) 紫砂桂枝歇蝉笔架 — Decorative Designs in Chinese Art 中国文物的纹饰, Pottery 陶器 Later Period 晚期 — count: 2