蹼 pǔ
webbed feet of waterfowl
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '蹼')
Contained in
- 脚蹼(腳蹼) flippers; fins
- 半蹼鹬(半蹼鷸) Asian dowitcher (Limnodromus semipalmatus)
- 灰瓣蹼鹬(灰瓣蹼鷸) red phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
- 红颈瓣蹼鹬(紅頸瓣蹼鷸) red-necked phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第五十三回 Chapter 53 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 3
- 第一百二回 Chapter 102 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 1
- 《釋鳥》 Explanation of Birds Er Ya 爾雅 — count: 1