毳衣 cuìyī
a type of aristocratic attire
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '毳衣' 1)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 國風‧王‧大車 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wang - Da Che The Book of Songs 詩經 — count: 2
- 卷一百二十八 列傳第十五: 阿朮 阿里海牙 相威 土土哈 Volume 128 Biographies 15: Aju, Ariq Qaya, Xiangwei, Tutuha History of Yuan 元史 — count: 1
- 卷36 李順 Volume 36: Li Shun Book of Wei 魏書 — count: 1
- 《毛部》 Máo Radical Shuo Wen Jie Zi 說文解字 — count: 1
- 《卷十四‧糸部》 Scroll 14, Mì Radical Shuo Wen Jie Zi 說文解字 — count: 1