十三经 (十三經) shísānjīng

shísānjīng set phrase Thirteen Confucian Classics
Domain: Literature 文学
Notes: Namely: Book of Songs 诗经, Book of History 尚书, Rites of Zhou 周礼, Rites and Ceremonies 仪礼, Classic of Rites 礼记, Book of Changes 易经, Mr Zuo's Annals 左传, Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传[Gong1 yang2 Zhuan4], Mr Guliang's Annals 谷梁传, The Analects 论语, Erya 尔雅, Classic of Filial Piety 孝经, Mencius 孟子 (CC-CEDICT '十三經')

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