谷神 (穀神) gǔshén
proper noun
Harvest God
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Mythology
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '穀神')
Contained in
- 谷神星(穀神星) Ceres
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷八十八 列傳第二十六: 紇石烈良弼 完顏守道本名習尼列 石琚 唐括安禮 移剌道本名趙三 子:光祖 Volume 88 Biographies 26: Geshilieliangbi, Wanyanshoudaobenmingxinilie, Shi Ju, Tang Kuoanli, Yiladaobenmingzhaosan, son: Guangzu History of Jin 金史 — count: 3
- 卷九十一 列傳第二十九: 完顏撒改 龐迪 溫蒂罕移室懣 神土懣 移剌成 石抹卞 楊仲武 蒲察世傑本名阿撒 蕭懷忠 移剌按答 孛朮魯阿魯罕 趙興祥 石抹榮 敬嗣暉 Volume 91 Biographies 29: Wanyansagai, Pang Di, Wendihanyishimen, Shen Tumen, Yi Lacheng, Shi Mobian, Yang Zhongwu, Puchashijiebenmingasa, Xiao Huaizhong, Yilaanda, Beipailualuhan, Zhao Xingxiang, Shi Morong, Jing Sihui History of Jin 金史 — count: 3
- 卷七十三 列傳第十一: 阿離合懣子:晏(本名斡論),孫:宗尹(本名阿里罕) 宗甯(本名阿土古) 宗道本名八十 宗雄本名謀良虎,子:阿鄰 按荅海 希尹本名穀神,孫:守貞(本名左靨) 守能(本名胡刺) Volume 73 Biographies 11: Ali Hemen and son: Yan (formerly named Wolun), grandson: Zongyin (formerly named Alihan), Zong Ning (formerly named Atugu), Zong Dao formerly named bashi, Zong Xiong formerly named Mou Lianghu, son: Alin, An Dahai, Xi Yin formerly named Gushen, son: Shouzhen (formerly named Zuoye), Shou Neng (formerly named Huci) History of Jin 金史 — count: 3
- 卷二百〇五 志第一百五十八 藝文四 Volume 205 Treatises 158: Arts and Literature 4 History of Song 宋史 — count: 3
- 卷六十八 列傳第六: 歡都子:謀演 冶訶子:阿魯補 骨赧 訛古乃 蒲查 Volume 68 Biographies 6: Huan Dou and son: Mouyan, Ye He and son: Alubu, Gu Nan, E Gunai, Pu Cha History of Jin 金史 — count: 2
- 卷二百〇六 志第一百五十九 藝文五 Volume 206 Treatises 159: Arts and Literature 5 History of Song 宋史 — count: 2
- 卷三十五 志第十六: 禮八 宣聖廟 武成王廟 諸前代帝王 諸神雜祠·長白山 諸神雜祠·大房山 諸神雜祠·混同江 諸神雜祠·嘉廕侯 諸神雜祠·瀘溝河神 諸神雜祠·昭應順濟聖後 諸神雜祠·鎮安公 諸神雜祠·瑞聖公 諸神雜祠·貞獻郡王廟 祈禜 拜天 本國拜儀 Volume 35 Treatises 16: Rites 8 - Consecration of Shrines to a Sages; Temple to the Warrior King Cheng of Zhou; Monarchs of Past Ages; Halls to Various Spirits in Changbai Shan, Dafang Shan, Amur River, Jia Yin Hou; Spirits of the Lu River; Spirits of Zhao Yin Shun; Spirits of Zhen An Gong, Rui Shen Gongl; Worshipping, Sacrifices, Vists, and State Ceremonies at Zhen Xian Jun Wang Temple History of Jin 金史 — count: 2
- 卷一百〇四 列傳第四十二: 納坦謀嘉 鄒谷 高霖 孟奎 烏林荅與 郭俁 溫迪罕達 王擴 移剌福僧 奧屯忠孝 蒲察思忠 紇石烈胡失門 完顏宇 斡勒合打 蒲察移剌都 Volume 104 Biographies 42: Natan Moujia, Zou Gu, Gao Lin, Meng Kui, Wu Lindayu, Guo Yu, Wendi Handa, Wang Kuo, Yila Fuseng, Aotun Zhongxiao, Pucha Sizhong, Geshiliehushimen, Wan Yanyu, Wolei Heda, Puchayiladou History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 《盡心章句下》 Commentary on Jin Xin II Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 1
- 卷十 本紀第十: 章宗二 Volume 10 Annals 10: Zhangzong 2 History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 谷神子 (穀神子) 谷神子 — New Book of Tang 新唐書, 卷五十九 志第四十九 藝文三 Volume 59 Treatises 55: The Arts 3 — count: 3
- 祖谷神 (祖穀神) 襲祖穀神謀克 — History of Jin 金史, 卷七十三 列傳第十一: 阿離合懣子:晏(本名斡論),孫:宗尹(本名阿里罕) 宗甯(本名阿土古) 宗道本名八十 宗雄本名謀良虎,子:阿鄰 按荅海 希尹本名穀神,孫:守貞(本名左靨) 守能(本名胡刺) Volume 73 Biographies 11: Ali Hemen and son: Yan (formerly named Wolun), grandson: Zongyin (formerly named Alihan), Zong Ning (formerly named Atugu), Zong Dao formerly named bashi, Zong Xiong formerly named Mou Lianghu, son: Alin, An Dahai, Xi Yin formerly named Gushen, son: Shouzhen (formerly named Zuoye), Shou Neng (formerly named Huci) — count: 3
- 谷神不死 (穀神不死) 谷神不死 — Daode Jing 道德經, Daode Jing 《道德經》 — count: 2
- 谷神家 (穀神家) 榮就養于穀神家 — History of Jin 金史, 卷九十一 列傳第二十九: 完顏撒改 龐迪 溫蒂罕移室懣 神土懣 移剌成 石抹卞 楊仲武 蒲察世傑本名阿撒 蕭懷忠 移剌按答 孛朮魯阿魯罕 趙興祥 石抹榮 敬嗣暉 Volume 91 Biographies 29: Wanyansagai, Pang Di, Wendihanyishimen, Shen Tumen, Yi Lacheng, Shi Mobian, Yang Zhongwu, Puchashijiebenmingasa, Xiao Huaizhong, Yilaanda, Beipailualuhan, Zhao Xingxiang, Shi Morong, Jing Sihui — count: 2
- 子谷神 (子穀神) 後以撻懶女曷羅哂妻其子谷神 — History of Jin 金史, 卷六十八 列傳第六: 歡都子:謀演 冶訶子:阿魯補 骨赧 訛古乃 蒲查 Volume 68 Biographies 6: Huan Dou and son: Mouyan, Ye He and son: Alubu, Gu Nan, E Gunai, Pu Cha — count: 2