都 dōu
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Scope 范围
Notes: In this sense 都 has the same meaning as 皆. The scope of modification of 都 is backward looking (Sun 2006, loc. 2047). For example, 一切的路都封上了。 'The entire road was closed off.' (Lao She, 2003, p. 175) 都 may also be used to sum up the previous elements. It has a similar meaning in both modern and postclassical literary Chinese (Guoyu '都' dōu adv 1; Norman 1988, p. 127; XHZD '都' dōu 1). -
capital city
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 首都 (Guoyu '都' dū n 2; Unihan '都'; XHZD '都' dū 1) -
a city; a metropolis
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 大城市 (Guoyu '都' dū n 1; Unihan '都'; XHZD '都' dū 2) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: 都 may used as a verb in this sense in Literary Chinese (Norman 1988, p. 127). -
elegant; refined
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 优雅 (Guoyu '都' dū adj; Unihan '都') -
proper noun
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Names , Concept: Surname 姓氏
Notes: (Guoyu '都' dū n 3; XHZD '都' dū 3) -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words
Notes: Used to add emphasis, in the sense of 还 or 已经 (Guoyu '都' dōu adv 2; XHZD '都' dōu 2-3) -
to establish a capital city
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 定都 (Guoyu '都' dū v 1) -
to reside
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 居 (Guoyu '都' dū v 2) -
to total; to tally
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 总计 (Guoyu '都' dū v 3)
Contained in
- 京都府 Kyōto prefecture in central Japan
- 大都 generally ; Dadu; Daidu; Taidu; Khanbaliq; Cambaluc ; mostly ; area surrounding the capital
- 都更案 urban development project
- 刁藩都方程 Diophantine equation
- 都市圈 metropolitan area
- 都市传奇(都市傳奇) urban legend (translation of recent Western term); story or theory circulated as true
- 黄花菜都凉了(黃花菜都涼了) the dishes are cold; to arrive late; to take one's sweet time
- 我们都是来自五湖四海(我們都是來自五湖四海) we all come from different corners of the land
- 都兰(都蘭) Dulan
- 骨都都 for plopping sound
- 定都 to establish a capital
- 计都(計都) Ketu
- 都会美型男(都會美型男) metrosexual
- 都护(都護) governor of a border area; governor of a march
- 都柏林核心(都柏林核心) Dublin Core
- 都主教 metropolitan bishop
Also contained in
新都 、 三都县 、 昆都仑 、 东都 、 于都 、 都水监 、 花都 、 阿不来提·阿不都热西提 、 奥古斯都 、 昌都地区 、 都茶场 、 盐都区 、 八都马 、 都畿道 、 澳大利亚首都特区 、 都江堰 、 刁藩都 、 都兰县 、 三都水族自治县 、 首都经贸大学 、 都畿 、 骑都尉 、 新都桥镇 、 新都区 、 首都师范大学 、 德都县 、 丰都 、 雩都 、 加德满都 、 乐都 、 路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞 、 都灵 、 京都念慈菴 、 中都路 、 魏都区
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷八十六 志第三十六: 百官二 Volume 86 Treatises 39: Official Posts 2 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 147
- 卷一百九十六 志第一百四十九 兵十 Volume 196 Treatises 149: Military 10 History of Song 宋史 — count: 136
- 卷七十六 志第五十二 職官五 Volume 76 Treatises 52: Official Posts 5 History of Ming 明史 — count: 126
- 卷二百七十九 列傳第三十八 王繼忠 傅潛 張昭允 戴興 王漢忠 王能 張凝 魏能 陳興 許均 張進 李重貴 呼延贊 劉用 耿全斌 周仁美 Volume 279 Biographies 38: Wang Jizhong, Fu Qian, Zhang Zhaoyun, Dai Xing, Wang Hanzhong, Wang Neng, Zhang Ning, Wei Neng, Chen Xing, Xu Jun, Zhang Jin, Li Zhonggui, Hu Yanzan, Liu Yong, Geng Quanbin, Zhou Renmei History of Song 宋史 — count: 124
- 卷九十 志第六十六 兵二 Volume 90 Treatises 66: Military 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 117
- 卷五十六 志第三十七: 百官二 殿前都點檢司 宣徽院 秘書監 國子監 太府監 少府監 軍器監 都水監 諫院 大理寺 弘文院 登聞鼓院 登聞檢院 記注院 集賢院 益政院 武衛軍都指揮使司 衛尉司 戶禮兵刑工部所轄諸司 三路檢察及外路倉庫牧圉等職 Volume 56 Treatises 37: Official Posts 2 - Palace Inspector General, Court of Palace Attendants, Director of the Palace Library, Imperial Academy, Imperial Treasury, Directorate for Imperial Manufacturers, Directorate for Arms, Waterway Inspector, Remonstrance Bureau, Court of Judicial Review, Academy for the Advancement of Literature, Admonishment Drum Court, Admonishment Inspection Court, Notes and Annotation Court, Academy of Scholarly Worthies, Benefits Administration Court, Command of the Military Guard for the Capital, Office for Commandant of Guards, Offices for the Punishment of Ceremonial Guards, Offices for Three Circuits Inspection and Outer Storehouses for Horses History of Jin 金史 — count: 112
- 卷六十六 列傳第五十六 杜僧明 周文育 侯瑱 侯安都 歐陽頠 黃法𣰰 淳于量 章昭達 吳明徹 Volume 66 Biographies 56: Du Sengming, Zhou Wenyu, Hou Zhen, Hou Andou, Ouyang Wei, Huang Fa, Chun Yuliang, Zhang Zhaoda, Wu Mingche History of the Southern Dynasties 南史 — count: 94
- 卷一百六十六 志第一百十九 職官六 Volume 166 Treatises 119: Offical Posts 6 History of Song 宋史 — count: 92
- 卷四十六 志第十六: 百官志二 Volume 46 Treatises 16: Official Posts 2 History of Liao 遼史 — count: 89
- 卷四百六十六 列傳第二百二十五 宦者一 竇神寶 王仁睿 王繼恩 李神福弟:神祐 劉承規 閻承翰 秦翰 周懷政 張崇貴 張繼能 衛紹欽 石知顒孫:全彬 鄧守恩 Volume 466 Biographies 225: Eunuchs 1 - Dou Shenbao, Wang Renrui, Wang Jien, Li Shenfu and younger brother: Shen You, Liu Chenggui, Yan Chenghan, Qin Han, Zhou Huaizheng, Zhang Chonggui, Zhang Jineng, Wei Shaoqin, Shi Zhiyong and grandson: Quan Bin, Deng Shouen History of Song 宋史 — count: 84