直国史 (直國史) zhí guóshǐ
zhí guóshǐ
historical records assistant
Domain: History 历史
, Subdomain: China
, Concept: Official Title 官名
Notes: (Strange and Hruby 2015, p. 210)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷七十三 列傳第二十三: 薛收 姚思廉 顏師古 令狐德棻 孔穎達 Volume 73 Biographies 23: Xue Shou, Yao Silian, Yan Shigu, Linghu Defen, Kong Yingda Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 1
- 卷一百零二 列傳第二十七 岑文本孫:羲 從子:長倩 虞世南 李百藥子:安期 褚亮附:李玄道 姚思廉孫:珽 令狐德棻鄧世隆 李延壽 令狐峘 Volume 102 Biographies 27: Cen Wenben and grandson: Xi, nephew: Zhang Qian, Yu Shinan, Li Baiyao and son: An Qi, Chu Liangfu: Li Xuandao, Yao Silian and grandson: Ting, Linghu Defen Deng Shilong, Li Yanshou Linghu Huan New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 1