Stratagems of the Warring States 戰國策
題戰國策 王覺 Evaluating Stratagems of the Warring States by Wang Jue
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作者:王覺 北宋 書閣本戰國策後戰國策三十三篇,劉向為之序,世久不傳。治平初,始得錢唐顏氏印本,讀之,愛其文辭之辯博,而字句脫誤,尤失其真。丁未歲,予在京師,因借館閣諸公家藏數本,參校之,蓋十正其六七;凡諸本之不載者,雜見於史記他書,然不敢輒為改易,仍從其舊,蓋慎之也。當戰國之時,强者務并吞,弱者患不能守,天下方爭於戰勝攻取,馳說之士因得以其說取合時君。其要皆主於利言之,合從連橫,變詐百出。然自春秋之後,以迄於秦,二百餘年興亡成敗之迹,粗見於是矣。雖非義理之所存,而辨麗橫肆,亦文辭之最,學者所不宜廢也。會有求予本以開板者,因以授之,使廣其傳,庶幾證前本之失云。清源王覺題。
Chinese text: This work was published before January 1, 1923, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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