了 le
completion of an action
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Aspectual Particle 动态助词
Notes: Traditional: 了; in this usage 了 is an aspectual particle 动态助词. Here 了 is placed after the verb and before its object to indicate that an action has been completed (Guoyu '了' le particle 2; Li Shaoqi, 2003, pp. 430-431; Ho 2002, '了' 1). For example, 他似乎明白了点 'he seemed to understand something.' (Lao She, 2003, p. 218) In this example the verb is 明白 'understand' and the object is 点 '[a little] something.' 了 cannot be used for non-action verbs, such as 喜欢, 是, 像. If there are two verbs in series then 了 should be placed after the second verb. 了 is the third most frequent word in the Beijing Language Institute's 1985 frequency wordlist (Ho 2002, '了'). -
to know; to understand
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 了; in the sense of 明白 (Guoyu '了' liǎo v 1) -
to understand; to know
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 瞭; in the sense of 明白 or 清楚; as in 了解 (Guoyu '瞭' v 1) -
to look afar from a high place
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 瞭; in the sense of 远看 Guoyu '瞭' liào v 1) -
modal particle
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Modal Particle 语气助词
Notes: Traditional: 了; in this use 了 appears at the end of a sentence as a modal particle 语气助词. Use as a modal particle differs from use as an aspectual particle after a verb in that a modal particle indicates the completion of the action for the whole sentence. Sometimes a modal particle is omitted if the sentence contains an aspectual particle and the action of the sentence is simple. There are two common uses: 1. 了 may be used at the end of a sentence to indicate a newly emerged condition (Guoyu '了' le particle 1; Ho 2002, '了' 2; Sun 2006, loc. 885). For example, 一切的路都封上了 'All the roads were closed.' (Lao She, 2003, p. 175) 2. 了 may be used at the end of a sentence to indicate a reminder, advice, or urging. -
particle used in certain fixed expressions
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Particle 助词
Notes: Traditional: 了; in this use 了 is used in a set of fixed expressions, including 太...了, ...极了, 对了, and 好了 (Ho 2002, '了' 3; Li Shaoqi, 2003, p. 433). For example, 你帮几天忙好了 'Please help for a few days.' (Lao She, 2003, p. 176) -
to complete
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 了; in the sense of 结束 (Guoyu '了' liǎo v 2) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 了; in the sense of 完全 (Guoyu '了' liǎo adv 1) -
clever; intelligent
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 了; in the sense of 聪明 or 慧黠 (Guoyu '了' liǎo adj)
Contained in
- 直截了当(直截了當) direct and plain spoken
- 了当(了當) frank; outspoken; ready; settled; in order; to deal with; to handle
- 卖光了(賣光了) to be sold out; to be out of stock
- 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤(一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋湯) a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup; one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
- 少不了 cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many
- 眼花了乱(眼花瞭亂) dazzling and chaotic
- 大不了 at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming
- 凉了半截(涼了半截) felt a chill (in one's heart); (one's heart) sank
- 了事 to dispose of a matter; to be done with it
- 了不起 amazing; terrific; extraordinary
- 吃了定心丸 to feel reassured
- 前缘未了(前緣未了) one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled
- 也好不了多少 hardly any better; just as bad
- 就晚了 then it's too late
- 吃饱了饭撑的(吃飽了飯撐的) having nothing better to do
- 脱不了身(脫不了身) busy and unable to get away
- 康熙来了(康熙來了) Kangsi Coming
- 了去了 very; extremely
- 忘不了 cannot forget
- 从后门溜走了(從後門溜走了) slipped out the back door
- 了然于胸(了然於胸) to be well aware of
- 太客气了(太客氣了) too polite
- 黄花菜都凉了(黃花菜都涼了) the dishes are cold; to arrive late; to take one's sweet time
- 免不了 unavoidable; can't be avoided
- 不了 to be unable to ; without end ; to not understand
- 了无新意(了無新意) unoriginal; stereotyped
- 腿了 too late, someone posted that already (supposedly from lag misspelled as leg)
- 了帐(了帳) to clear a debt ; to finish a matter
- 成了客 to act like a visitor
- 听腻了(聽膩了) fed up of hearing
- 一目了然(一目瞭然) obvious at a glance
- 为了建设新中国(為了建設新中國) to build a new China
- 吃不了兜着走(吃不了兜著走) if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home; you'll have to take the consequences
- 了然 to understand clearly ; to understand clearly
- 自行了断(自行了斷) to take one's life
- 没谁了(沒誰了) nobody can beat that; extraordinary; remarkable
- 小时了了,大未必佳(小時了了,大未必佳) being bright at an early age does not necessarily bring success upon growing up
- 了却(了卻) to resolve; to settle
- 不行了 on the point of death; dying
- 铁了心(鐵了心) determined; unshakable
- 歇了吧 give me a break!; forget about it!
- 这还了得(這還了得) How dare you!; This is an outrage!; Absolutely disgraceful!
- 多了去了 aplenty; millions of
- 太好了 very good
- 妈了个巴子(媽了個巴子) damn you!
- 私了 to settle privately; to solve behind closed doors; to settle out of court
- 饶了(饒了) to spare; to forgive
- 好了伤疤忘了疼(好了傷疤忘了疼) to forget past pains once the wound has healed
- 又来了(又來了) here we go again
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 第二回 Chapter 62 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 351
- 第二十四回 Chapter 24 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 307
- 第二回 Chapter 57 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 287
- 第二回 Chapter 63 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 255
- 第二回 Chapter 119 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 253
- 第二回 Chapter 77 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 250
- 第二回 Chapter 109 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 248
- 第二回 Chapter 97 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 233
- 第二回 Chapter 52 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 232
- 第二回 Chapter 46 Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢 — count: 224