豆蔻 dòukòu
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Species: Elettaria cardamomum (CC-CEDICT '豆蔻') -
a girl's teenage years; maidenhood; a budding beauty
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '豆蔻')
Contained in
- 肉豆蔻料 Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils, including nutmeg)
- 肉豆蔻 nutmeg ; nutmeg
- 小豆蔻 Indian cardamom (Amomum cardamomum)
- 豆蔻年华(豆蔻年華) a girl's teenage years; maidenhood; a budding beauty
- 白豆蔻 cardamom
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷九十 志第四十三 地理六 Volume 90 Treatises 43: Geography 6 History of Song 宋史 — count: 2
- 卷五 Scroll 5 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 2
- 卷四百八十九 列傳第二百四十八 外國五 占城 眞臘 蒲甘 邈黎 三佛齊 闍婆南毗 勃泥 注輦 丹眉流 Volume 489 Biographies 248: Foreign States 5 - Champa, Siem Reap, Bagan, Miaoli, Srivijaya, Sheponanpi, Brunei, Chola, Nakhon Si Thammarat History of Song 宋史 — count: 2
- 卷七十四 四夷附錄第三: 奚 吐渾 達靼 党項 突厥 吐蕃 回鶻 于闐 高麗 渤海 新羅 黑水靺鞨 南詔蠻 牂牁 昆明 占城 Volume 74: Appendix on the Four Barbarians 3 - Xi, Tuyuhun, Dada, Tangut, Tujie, Tubo, Huihu, Yutian, Goryeo, Bohai, Silla, Heishui Tungusic tribes, Nanzhao Man, Zhangke, Kunming, Champa New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史 — count: 1
- 草豆蔻 (草豆蔻) 貢草豆蔻二萬個 — New History of the Five Dynasties 新五代史, 卷七十四 四夷附錄第三: 奚 吐渾 達靼 党項 突厥 吐蕃 回鶻 于闐 高麗 渤海 新羅 黑水靺鞨 南詔蠻 牂牁 昆明 占城 Volume 74: Appendix on the Four Barbarians 3 - Xi, Tuyuhun, Dada, Tangut, Tujie, Tubo, Huihu, Yutian, Goryeo, Bohai, Silla, Heishui Tungusic tribes, Nanzhao Man, Zhangke, Kunming, Champa — count: 2