New Discussions 新語

by Western Han scholar 陸賈 Lu Jia (d. 170 BCE)


新語 New Discussions, by Western Han scholar 陸賈 Lu Jia (d. 170 BCE) at Wikisource, accessed 2020-12-13,新語.

English translation (partial)

  1. Csikszentmihalyi, Mark tr. 2006, Readings in Han Chinese Thought, Indianapolis, Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, pp. 53-56, Chapter 4.


  1. Michael Loewe 1993, “Hsin yu 新語,” In Michael Loewe, (ed.), Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide, Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early China, pp. 171-177.
Copright status: public domain 本作品在全世界都属于公有领域,因为作者逝世已经超过100年,并且于1925年1月1日之前出版。

Collection vocabulary analysis