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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧王‧揚之水 Lessons from the states - Odes of Wang - Yang Zhi Shui

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The fretted waters,
Do not carry on their current a bundle of firewood!
Those, the members of our families,
Are not with us here guarding Shen.
How we think of them! How we think of them!
What month shall we return home?

The fretted waters,
Do not carry on their current a bundle of thorns!
Those, the members of our families,
Are not with us here guarding Pu.
How we think of them! How we think of them!
What month shall we return?

The fretted waters,
Do not carry on their current a bundle of osiers!
Those, the members of our families,
Are not with us here guarding Xu.
How we think of them! How we think of them!
What month shall we return?


English translation: James Legge

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