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The Book of Songs 詩經

國風‧唐‧杕杜 Lessons from the states - Odes of Tang - Di Du

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There is a solitary russet pear tree,
[But] its leaves are luxuriant.
Alone I walk unbefriended; -
Is it because there are no other people?
But none are like the sons of one's father.
O ye travellers,
Why do ye not sympathize with me?
Without brothers as I am,
Why do ye not help me?


There is a solitary russet pear tree,
[But] its leaves are abundant.
Alone I walk uncared for; -
Is it that there are not other people?
But none are like those of one's own surname.
O ye travellers,
Why do ye not sympathize with me?
Without brothers as I am,
Why do ye not help me?


English translation: James Legge

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