呜呼哀哉 (嗚呼哀哉) wūhū āizāi
wūhū āizāi
set phrase
alas; all is lost; Mercey on us!
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: For example in the poem 自祭文 “Requiem for Myself” by 陶潛 Tao Qian, Scroll 7 of 陶淵明集 Tao Yuanming Collected Poems (CC-CEDICT '嗚呼哀哉'; Guoyu '嗚呼哀哉'; Pollard 2002, p. 29)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十七 Scroll 57 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 22
- 卷五十六 Scroll 56 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 13
- 卷三十一 列傳第一 后妃上 Volume 31 Biographies 1: Empresses and Consorts Part One Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 8
- 卷五十八 Scroll 58 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 8
- 卷八 列傳第二 昭明太子 哀太子 愍懷太子 Volume 8: Crown Prince Zhaoming; Crown Prince Ai; Crown Prince Minhuai Book of Liang 梁書 — count: 7
- 卷之七 疏祭文 Scroll 7: Memorials Tao Yuanming Collected Poems 陶淵明集 — count: 6
- 卷七 列傳第一 皇后 Volume 7: Empresses Book of Liang 梁書 — count: 4
- 卷一百七十五 列傳第一百二十五: 憲宗二十子 穆宗五子 敬宗五子 文宗二子 武宗五子 宣宗十一子 懿宗八子 僖宗二子 昭宗十子 Volume 175 Biographies 125: Xianzong's Ten Sons, Muzong's Five Sons, Jingzong's Five Sons, Wenzong's Two Sons, Wuzong's Five Sons, Xuanzong's Ten Sons, Xizong's Eight Sons, Xizong's Two Sons, Zhaozong's Ten Sons Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 4
- 卷六十 Scroll 60 Wenxuan 文選 — count: 4
- 卷二 魏書二 文帝紀 Volume 2: Book of Wei 2 - Annals of Emperor Wen Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志 — count: 4