轻重倒置 (輕重倒置) qīng zhòng dǎozhì
qīng zhòng dǎozhì
set phrase
to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the unimportant and neglect the important); lacking a sense of perspective
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '輕重倒置')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷二百十五 列傳第一百〇三 王治 歐陽一敬 周弘祖 詹仰庇 駱問禮 鄭履淳 陳吾德 汪文輝 劉奮庸 Volume 215 Biographies 103: Ouyang Yijing, Zhou Hongzu, Zhan Yangbi, Luo Wenli, Zheng Luchun, Chen Wude, Wang Wenhui, Liu Fenyong History of Ming 明史 — count: 1
- 卷一百八十九 列傳第七十七 李文祥 孫磐 胡爟 羅僑 葉釗 戴冠 黃鞏 陸震 夏良勝 何遵 Volume 189 Biographies 77: Li Wenxiang, Sun Pan, Hu Guan, Luo Qiao, Ye Zhao, Dai Guan, Huang Gong, Lu Zhen, Xia Liangsheng, He Zun History of Ming 明史 — count: 1