緅 zōu
silk of purplish color
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Unihan '緅')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷六十六 志第四十二 輿服二 Volume 66 Treatises 42: Carriages and Clothing 2 History of Ming 明史 — count: 4
- 卷一百五十一 志第一百〇四 輿服三 Volume 151 Treatises 104: Carriages and Clothes 3 History of Song 宋史 — count: 3
- 《鄉黨第十》 Commentary on Xiang Dang X Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi 朱熹四書章句集注 — count: 3
- 卷11 志第6 禮儀六 Volume 11 Treatises 6: Rites 6 Book of Sui 隋書 — count: 3
- 卷四十五 志第二十五: 輿服 Volume 45 Treatises 25: Carriages and Clothes Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 3
- 卷二十四 志第十四 車服 Volume 24 Treatises 15: Carraiges and Attire New Book of Tang 新唐書 — count: 3
- 《卷十四‧糸部》 Scroll 14, Mì Radical Shuo Wen Jie Zi 說文解字 — count: 1
- 10. 《鄉黨》 Xiang Dang The Analects of Confucius 論語 — count: 1
- 卷六 節用中 Book 6 - Economy of Expenditures II Mozi 墨子 — count: 1
- 卷七十八 志第二十八: 輿服一 Volume 78 Treatises 31: Carriages and Clothes 1 History of Yuan 元史 — count: 1
- 绀緅 (紺緅) 君子不以紺緅飾 — The Analects of Confucius 論語, 10. 《鄉黨》 Xiang Dang — count: 4
- 緅饰 (緅飾) 君子不以紺緅飾 — The Analects of Confucius 論語, 10. 《鄉黨》 Xiang Dang — count: 2
- 緅色 (緅色) 緅色羅織成雲龍 — History of Jin 金史, 卷四十三 志第二十四: 輿服上 天子車輅、皇后妃嬪車輦、皇太子車制、王公以下車制及鞍勒飾 輿服中 天子袞冕 視朝之服 皇后冠服 皇太子冠服 宗室及外戚並一品命婦 臣下朝服 祭服 公服 輿服下 衣服通制 Volume 43 Treatises 24: Carriages and Clothing 1 - Emperor's Carriages, Empress' and Consorts' Carriages; Crown Prince's Carriages; Princes, Dukes, and below Carriages and Saddlery; Carriages and Clothing 2 - Emperors' Robes and Crowns; Clothing for those Accompanying the Emperor; Empresses' Crown and Clothing; Crown Princes' Crown and Clothing; Dress for the Imperial Clan, Families of Imperial Consorts, and Titled Nobility; Court Dress for Officials; Ceremonial Clothing; Official Clothing; Carriages and Clothing 3 - Tailoring — count: 2
- 用緅 (用緅) 用緅為領緣 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷四十五 志第二十五: 輿服 Volume 45 Treatises 25: Carriages and Clothes — count: 2