远门 (遠門) yuǎnmén
(to go to) distant parts; faraway; a distant relative
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '遠門')
Contained in
- 远门近枝(遠門近枝) near and distant relatives
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷五十七 志第三十八: 百官三 內命婦 宮人女職 東宮官屬 親王府屬 太后兩宮官屬 大興府 諸京留守司諸京城宮苑提舉等職 按察司 諸路總管府、諸府、諸節鎮、防禦、刺史、縣鎮等職 諸轉運泉谷等職 諸府鎮兵馬等職 諸猛安部族及群牧等職 Volume 57 Treatises 38: Official Posts 3 - Women of the Inner Court; Palace Women with Official Positions; East Palace officials; Prince's Residence Subordinates; Officials of the Empress Dowager's Two Palaces; Daxing Prefecture; Officials in Charge of Offices, Palaces, and Parks in the Capital; Surveillance Commissions; Circuit Inspectors; Prefecture Governments; Town Administration; Defenses; Magistrates; County and Town Officials; Transportation and Grain Officials; Officials in Charge of Military Forces in the Prefectures; Officals in Charge of Pacifying Savage Tribes and Pastoral Peoples History of Jin 金史 — count: 1
- 卷四百二十四 列傳第一百八十三 陸持之 徐鹿卿 趙逢龍 趙汝騰 孫夢觀 洪天錫 黃師雍 徐元杰 孫子秀 李伯玉 Volume 424 Biographies 183: Lu Chizhi, Xu Luqing, Zhao Fenglong, Zhao Ruteng, Sun Mengguan, Hong Tianxi, Huang Shiyong, Xu Yuanjie, Sun Zixiu, Li Boyu History of Song 宋史 — count: 1
- 卷二百七十八 列傳第三十七 馬全義 雷德驤 王超 Volume 278 Biographies 37: Ma Quanyi, Lei Dexiang, Wang Chao History of Song 宋史 — count: 1
- 卷八十 晉書6: 高祖本紀六 Volume 80 Book of Later Jin 6: Gaozu Annals 6 Old History of the Five Dynasties 舊五代史 — count: 1
- 通远门 (通遠門) 下斗門為通遠門 — Old History of the Five Dynasties 舊五代史, 卷八十 晉書6: 高祖本紀六 Volume 80 Book of Later Jin 6: Gaozu Annals 6 — count: 3