载明 (載明) zàimíng
to state explicitly in writing; to specify; to stipulate
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '載明')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷一百一十 列傳第六十: 李光弼 王思禮 鄧景山 辛雲京 Volume 110 Biographies 60: Li Guangbi, Wang Sili, Deng Jingshan, Xin Yunjing Old Book of Tang 舊唐書 — count: 1
- 卷四十九 唐書25: 后妃列傳一 Volume 49 Book of Later Tang 25: Biographies 1 - Empresses and Consorts Old History of the Five Dynasties 舊五代史 — count: 1
- 卷八 列傳第二 昭明太子 哀太子 愍懷太子 Volume 8: Crown Prince Zhaoming; Crown Prince Ai; Crown Prince Minhuai Book of Liang 梁書 — count: 1
- 卷二 帝紀第二 世宗景帝 太祖文帝 Volume 2, Annals 2: Emperor Jing; Emperor Wen Book of Jin 晉書 — count: 1
- 第六十回 Chapter 60 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 — count: 1