The Analects of Confucius 論語
Also known as Lunyu, with English translation by James Legge
- 1. 《學而》 Xue Er
- 2. 《為政》 Wei Zheng
- 3. 《八佾》 Ba Yi
- 4. 《里仁》 Li Ren
- 5. 《公冶長》Gong Ye Chang
- 6. 《雍也》 Yong Ye
- 7. 《述而》 Shu Er
- 8. 《泰伯》 Tai Bo
- 9. 《子罕》 Zi Han
- 10. 《鄉黨》 Xiang Dang
- 11. 《先進》 Xian Jin
- 12. 《顏淵》 Yan Yuan
- 13. 《子路》 Zi Lu
- 14. 《憲問》 Xian Wen
- 15. 《衛靈公》 Wei Ling Gong
- 16. 《季氏》 Ji Shi
- 17. 《陽貨》 Yang Huo
- 18. 《微子》 Wei Zi
- 19. 《子張》 Zi Zhang
- 20. 《堯曰》 Yao Yue
- Legge, James 1861, The Chinese Classics: with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes, Volume I: Confucian Analects, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean, Hong Kong and London: Trubner & Co. Digitization at Wikipedia and
- Chan, Wing-tsit 1963, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Partial translaiton.
- Chan, W., 1969. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
- Cheng, Anne 1993, “Lun yu 論語,” In Michael Loewe, (ed.), Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide, Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early China, pp. 313-323.
- Yao, X., 2000. An introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Source: Chinese Text Project