八体 (八體) bā tǐ

  1. bā tǐ set phrase the eight scripts
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Art
    Notes: The calligraphic styles commonly used after the unification of characters in the Qin dynasty: 1. 大篆 great seal, 2. 小篆 small seal, 3. 刻符 engraved symbol, 4. 虫书 worm seal script, 5. 摹印 immitation seal, 6. 署书 Shu script, 7. 殳书 military script, 8. 隶书 clerical script; same as 秦书八体 'eight Qin scripts' (Guoyu '八體' 1)
  2. bā tǐ set phrase the eight styles of writing
    Domain: Literature 文学 , Subdomain: China
    Notes: As described by 刘勰 Liu Xie 466-539 in 文心雕龙 ”The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons” (Guoyu '八體' 2)

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