壳 (殻) ké
casing; shell; husk; hull; skin
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '殻' ké n; Unihan '殻') -
casing; shell; husk; hull; skin
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Guoyu '殻' qiào n) -
casing; shell; husk; hull; skin
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: Traditional: 殼 (Unihan '殼')
Contained in
- 铁壳船(鐵殼船) a steel hulled ship
- 地壳运动(地殼運動) crustal movement; movement of tectonic plates
- 龟壳(龜殼) tortoise shell
- 蚌壳(蚌殼) a clam shell
- 鬼摸脑壳(鬼摸腦殼) muddled; momentarily confused
- 洋壳(洋殼) oceanic crust
- 贝壳(貝殼) a shell; a conch; a cowry; mother of pearl
- 壳子(殻子) a shell
- 枳壳(枳殼) bitter orange
- 乌龟壳(烏龜殼) tortoise shell
- 结壳(結殼) crust; crusting; incrustation
- 地壳(地殼) the Earth's crust
- 椰壳(椰殼) coconut shell
- 甲壳亚门(甲殼亞門) Crustacea
- 躯壳(軀殼) the body (housing the soul)
- 甲壳虫类(甲殼蟲類) coleoptera
- 鸡蛋壳儿(雞蛋殼兒) eggshell
- 贝壳儿(貝殼兒) a shell
- 安全壳(安全殼) containment vessel
- 壳郎猪(殼郎豬) feeder pig
- 弹壳(彈殼) ammunition case
- 驳壳枪(駁殼槍) Mauser pistol
- 谷壳(穀殼) husk of grain; grain and chaff
- 介壳(介殼) hard outer shell; shell
- 壳幔(殼幔) crust-mantle
- 甲壳动物(甲殼動物) crustacean
- 巴豆壳(巴豆殼) bark of Croton tiglium used as purgative
- 壳质(殼質) chitin
- 甲壳素(甲殼素) chitin
- 外壳(外殼) envelope; outer shell; hull; cover; case
- 金蝉脱壳(金蟬脫殼) the cicada sheds its carapace; to vanish leaving an empty shell; a crafty escape plan
- 耳壳(耳殼) outer ear; auricle; pinna
- 金属外壳(金屬外殼) metal cover
- 蛋壳(蛋殼) eggshell
- 甲壳虫(甲殼蟲) a beetle ; the Beatles
- 脱壳(脫殼) to break out of an eggshell; to molt; to remove the husk; to shell
- 玳瑁壳(玳瑁殼) tortoise shell
- 洋底地壳(洋底地殼) oceanic crust
- 闭壳肌(閉殼肌) adductor muscle (of a bivalve mollusk)
- 甲壳(甲殼) carapace; crust; outer shell
- 机壳(機殼) case, casing, cabinet or housing (of a computer, photocopier etc)
- 椰壳纤维(椰殼纖維) coconut fiber; coir
- 硬壳果(硬殼果) nut; fruit with hard shell
- 油底壳(油底殼) oil sump
- 脑壳(腦殻) a skull ; skull; (fig.) brain (mental capacity)
- 蜕壳(蛻殼) to exuviate; to molt
- 无壳蜗牛(無殼蝸牛) people who cannot afford to buy their own house
- 榆木脑壳(榆木腦殼) bullet-headed; stubborn
- 硬壳(硬殼) crust; hard shell
- 稻壳(稻殼) rice husk
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷二百十三 表第四 宰輔四 Volume 213 Tables 4: Chancellors 4 History of Song 宋史 — count: 2
- 壳外 (殻外) 礦殼外緘 — Book of Southern Qi 南齊書, 卷四十一 列傳第二十二 張融 周顒 Volume 41 Biographies 22: Zhang Rong, Zhou Yong — count: 3
- 字壳 (字殻) 字殼士 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷一百七十二 列傳第一百二十二: 令狐楚 牛僧孺 蕭俛 李石 Volume 172 Biographies 122: Ling Huchu, Niu Sengru, Xiaomian, Li Shi — count: 3
- 壳中 (殻中) 玄武縮於殼中兮 — Book of Later Han 後漢書, 卷五十九 張衡列傳 Volume 59: Biography of Zhang Heng — count: 3
- 壳士 (殻士) 字殼士 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷一百七十二 列傳第一百二十二: 令狐楚 牛僧孺 蕭俛 李石 Volume 172 Biographies 122: Ling Huchu, Niu Sengru, Xiaomian, Li Shi — count: 3
- 螺壳 (螺殻) 裝以螺殼 — Old Book of Tang 舊唐書, 卷一百九十七 列傳第一百四十七: 南蠻 西南蠻 Volume 197 Biographies 147: Southern Man, Southernwest Man — count: 3
- 螃蟹壳 (螃蟹殻) 葛來官叫那大腳三把螃蟹殼同果碟都收了去 — The Scholars 儒林外史, 第四十二回 Chapter 42 — count: 3
- 破壳 (破殻) 有一男破殼而出 — Book of Wei 魏書, 卷100 高句麗 百濟 勿吉 失韋 豆莫婁 地豆于 庫莫奚 契丹 烏洛侯 Volume 100: Goguryeo, Baekje, Wuji, Shiwei, Doumolou, Didouyu, Kumo Xi, Khitan, Wuluohou — count: 2
- 壳可 (殻可) 故殼可得中也 — Guanzi 管子, 小稱第三十二 Chapter 32: Minor Appraisals — count: 2
- 一壳 (一殻) 平兒早剔了一殼黃子送來 — Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢, 第二回 Chapter 38 — count: 2
- 壳心 (殻心) 殻心 — History of Song 宋史, 卷二百十三 表第四 宰輔四 Volume 213 Tables 4: Chancellors 4 — count: 2