滴水 dī shuǐ
dī shuǐ
water drop; dripping water
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '滴水'; Guoyu '滴水' 1) -
dī shuǐ
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (Guoyu '滴水' 2)
Contained in
- 滴水石穿 dripping water penetrates the stone; constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.
- 滴水不漏 not one drop of water can leak out; watertight; rigorous (argument)
- 滴水不羼 not diluted by one drop; hundred percent
- 滴水穿石 dripping water penetrates the stone; constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.
- 滴水嘴兽(滴水嘴獸) gargoyle (architecture)
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 卷三百二十七 列傳第二百十五 外國八 韃靼 Volume 327 Biographies 215: Foreign States 8 History of Ming 明史 — count: 2
- 第一百九回 Chapter 109 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 1
- 第四十九回 Chapter 49 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 1
- 第十九回 Chapter 19 The Scholars 儒林外史 — count: 1
- 第四十回 Chapter 40 Journey to the West 西遊記 — count: 1
- 卷三百〇一 列傳第一百八十九 列女一 Volume 301 Biographies 189: Exemplary Women 1 History of Ming 明史 — count: 1
- 卷二百 列傳第八十八 姚鏌 張嵿 伍文定 蔡天祐 詹榮 劉天和 楊守禮 張岳 郭宗臯 趙時春 Volume 200 Biographies 88: Yao Mo, Zhang 嵿, Wu Wending, Cai Tianyou, Zhan Rong, Liu Tianhe, Yang Shouli, Zhang Yue, Guo Zonggao, Zhao Shichun History of Ming 明史 — count: 1
- 第一回 Chapter 1 Water Margin 水滸傳 — count: 1
- 卷一百九十八 列傳第八十六 楊一清 王瓊 彭澤 毛伯溫 翁萬達 Volume 198 Biographies 86: Yang Yiqing, Wang Qiong, Peng Ze, Mao Bowen, Weng Wanda History of Ming 明史 — count: 1
- 卷四十三 志第十九 地理四 Volume 43 Treatises 19: Geography 4 History of Ming 明史 — count: 1
- 滴水崖 (滴水崖) 寇犯滴水崖 — History of Ming 明史, 卷一百九十八 列傳第八十六 楊一清 王瓊 彭澤 毛伯溫 翁萬達 Volume 198 Biographies 86: Yang Yiqing, Wang Qiong, Peng Ze, Mao Bowen, Weng Wanda — count: 5
- 府滴水 (府滴水) 犯宣府滴水崖 — History of Ming 明史, 卷三百二十七 列傳第二百十五 外國八 韃靼 Volume 327 Biographies 215: Foreign States 8 — count: 2
- 犯滴水 (犯滴水) 寇犯滴水崖 — History of Ming 明史, 卷一百九十八 列傳第八十六 楊一清 王瓊 彭澤 毛伯溫 翁萬達 Volume 198 Biographies 86: Yang Yiqing, Wang Qiong, Peng Ze, Mao Bowen, Weng Wanda — count: 2
- 叮叮当当滴水 (叮叮噹噹滴水) 洞中有叮叮噹噹滴水巖 — Journey to the West 西遊記, 第二十回 Chapter 20 — count: 2